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Svetlana Kropacheva

 Svetlana Kropacheva

 Svetlana Kropacheva

 Svetlana Kropacheva
Svetlana Kropacheva  Born in Leningrad, 1976

The creative work of Svetlana Kropacheva is one of the highlights of the Saint Petersburg diverse art. Admitting the fact that the art is a spirit, representing itself in one or another creative aspect, Svetlana Kropacheva became aware of her spirituality already in her early years.
After finishing the B. Johansson School of Arts (since 1993, B. Johansson State Academic Arts Lyceum) in 1994, Svetlana Kropacheva was admitted to the Faculty of Painting of I. Repin State Academic Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. A considerable progress she made in painting and drawing confirmed the vocation Svetlana had chosen. During her third year in Academy she attended the workshop of the outstanding teacher, the National Painter of Russia, Professor  V. Reihet, and diploma project («Self-Portrait in the Studio» (2000)) was painted, when the workshop was led by the National Painter of Russia, Professor  V. Pimenov. Svetlana Kropacheva graduated from the Repin Academic Institute with honors.
Creativeness allowed Svetlana to commence the exhibition activities in her early student years in 1997. She determined her independent and unique way in art in the beginning of the 21st century, when the new generation of painters faced the problem of making an uneasy choice in the sophisticated world of contemporary fine arts.

 Svetlana KropachevaThe first decade of Svetlana?s pictorial art was notable for the variety of genres — portraits, landscapes, sketches, still life. Each of them had its unique vivid expressiveness and elements of graceful style.
In 2001, Svetlana Kropacheva presented her canvas «The Bird of Happiness with the Attributes of Arts» (2001) at the large-scale arts exhibition. Comparing the painting of the young artist with the one of the French realist of the 18th century Jean-Baptiste Chardin it is impossible to leave unnoticed the complexity of composition on the canvas. Kropacheva depicts the palette with paints, Arkhangelsk wooden toy placed on a small table and the church, and landscape view. This piece of art proved to be her peculiar manifest: from now on, she creates and structures the images of paintings within the complex spatial environment, associatively relating them to either nature or folklore milieu. Svetlana Kropacheva works in subtle, warm and cool color spectrum: «Still Life with Rembrandt Reproduction» (1999), «Secret Life», «Scarlet Flower» (2004).
In 2003 the personal exhibition of Svetlana Krpoacheva and Vasily Kryukov called «Canvas» took place in the Blue Salon of St. Petersburg Union of Artists. Among «en plein air» landscapes, portraits and still life of the two artists, there was a sketch of Svetlana Kropacheva?s canvas «Peter I Ride out» dedicated to the foundation of Saint-Petersburg and establishment of Russian Fleet. Svetlana?s paintings presented on this exhibition are recognized due to originality and outstanding peculiar style. «My city. Self-Portrait» (2003), «Venetian Dreams» (2003) and «Golden Evening» (2003) are particularly remarkable for coloring multiplicity.
The paintings of Svetlana Kropacheva can be found in the private collections in Russia, Germany, Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Great Britain and China.

 Svetlana Kropacheva

 Svetlana Kropacheva

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