My Webs

Andrés García Ibáñez

Andrés García Ibáñez,  International Art Gallery, Sel-Portrait

 Andrés García Ibáñez, International Art Gallery, Andrés García Ibáñez

Andrés García Ibáñez
Born in Olula del Río, 24th of September 1971.He does his first exhibition with 11 years of age, during the festivities of Albox (Almería).Makes his first bachelor in Olula del Río copying in those years (14 to 16) Goya, Velázquez, Rembrandt, Murillo, El Greco and Rubens. Being Goya, his favourite one from whom assures Andrés he copied almost the totality of his work.

From his 17 years on -1988- he starts painting his own invention with clear influences of Goya, making this works his first big exhibition in the Unicaja Bank of capital city of Almería. He participates at this moment in the concourse of "Young Andalusian Painters" organised by Unicaja, and winns the first award with his painting "Danae". His award was received by his parents, as he was at that time in Navarra where he started his architekt studies at the university of Navarra.

During this university years he visits lots of times the Prado Museum where he can admire better and in direct the Works of the Masters and for all from someone he did not value before and from whom he gets deeply excited. We refer to Sorolla, from whom he starts looking for his shapes.

In 1993 he performs the frescos from the arch of the nave of the Basilico de la Esperanza in Málaga and in December in the same year he receives the charge to paint a big canvas, because of beatifying Diego Ventaja in the Basílica of San Pedro. That painture can be admires nowerdays in the holy Catedral of Almería.
In 1994 it realizes other two big works, one " Baco's Infancy ", other one " The Garden of the Bacantes " in which he paints all the persons of his environment with clear references as for the disposition (regulation) to the Meninas of Velázquez.

n 1995 her eceives the order of the decoration of the Cathedral of San Salvador in Central America. It is a question of an altarpiece of thirty five meters of height articulated concerning (around) eight linens of eight meters and the dome of the Cathedral with a surface of 950 square meters. In 1996 he realizes eight pictures with destination (destiny) to the altarpiece which are exposed in the Basilica of the Mercy of Madrid before his definitive item (game) up to San Salvador in 1997. He executes the fresh air (frescos) of the dome in 1998, where afoot (by foot) of street it does a score of works that he donates to Unicef.

Andrés García Ibáñez,  International Art Gallery, Portrait

Andrés García Ibáñez, International Art Gallery, Golucho,

Andrés García Ibáñez, International Art Gallery, Julio Alfredo Egea

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